The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

19 September 2011

The First. Not The Last.

I decided that I would start a blog. I spend way too much time writing how I feel and posting pictures on Facebook, that I think it's time to do this and do this fully. I started a blog not to long ago when I went gluten free and I'll be the first to tell you...... it didn't work out as much as I would have hoped. I think this is because I centered myself on just gluten free food. Well let me tell you, I have much more to share.

I love the idea of having a blog. It's somewhere you can write and share your thoughts. I don't need people to respond to me, or even so close as to look at this everyday, but I love this idea. Lately I have been following many blogs and I just am taken away by how much people share. I'm loving the creativity, not to mention this is what I'm going to school for. Media. So I figure I am going to give it a shot.

On this blog I hope to share my thoughts and feelings. Pictures. Recipes. Fashion. Friends. Family. Well simply saying, my life. The things that inspire me everyday. The things in life that make me stop, shoot and share.