The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

22 September 2011

Polka Dot lov'n

I have actually heard some great feed back from the ladies saying how they like how I post my outfits for the day ( if I think they are cute) so once again, I'm back....with polka dots. I have always loved polka dots, but haven't always had the passion or courage to wear them with pride. They have always given me a type of "clown" idea. Not really for me. However, this weekend on my shopping spree I did find something with polka dots that I could not walk away from. Maybe it was the burnt orange color, or the "whimsical" feel it had? Either way, I bought it and I'm happy I did. I think it will add perfectly to my ever growing fall wardrobe.

I decided to pair the top with a simple white top and some black jeans. Simple, yet sophisticated. The "older" look I am trying to get into. I am a person who loves to mix and match patterns and lately I have been trying to do it more often. I used to think it was a fashion paux pas, but now that I have started finding a real pleasure at looking at fashion magazines I have realized it's okay and sometimes a must. It makes your outfit just that much more interesting. 

So.... I paired them with animal print flats.

Because I felt that the top added enough excitement, I decided to pull my hair back to show off the personality of the outfit. I added a pair of leaf earrings and wahla.... off to school I go....

Thank you again everyone who decides to look at my blog. I am new at this so if you ever have any feedback, please let me know :) Thank you everyone!