Lately I have been keeping up with many blogs and "The Daybook" has got to be my favorite right now. She is adorable and gives you great idea's of how to mix and match pieces to put together a truly different yet stylish outfit. I have also been on Pinterest way more than I should which always puts new idea's in my head for new hair styles and make up choices to try.
When putting this outfit together I just looked in my closet and matched colors of two things I enjoyed, but wouldn't normally put together...
For years I have thought that it was forbidden to even mismatch patterns, colors and so forth. Since looking at fashion blogs and fashion magazines it's become a norm to mix and match. The more you do, the more fashionable it usually is.
With this is mind I put my outfit together....
A look that I have fallen in love with lately is this knee sock above your pants, or above a pair of tights. I would have never thought about this before I started looking into fashion. Something so simple, but never an idea I had prior....
Have fun today ladies. Remember, you can always make an outfit fun and flattering. Mix and match pieces in your wardrobe even when you think there is a possibly they may not go together.... you may be surprised with the outcome. And, ALWAYS remember, if you like it... that's all that matters. Don't be afraid to walk out of the door in something that you love even if others don't.... :) That's what fashion is all about....