The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

09 December 2011

Gaucho Pants.

Cardigan: The Gap. Ruffled Shirt: Macy's. Goucho Pants: Tempted. Shoes: Dollhouse.

Today is Friday!
I honestly thought it was Thursday on Tuesday so I am happy to finally get to my goal of the correct day of the week....
I'm am so excited for this weekend. I have a ton of plans but also a ton of school work to finish off my semester, so it's going to be a busy one for me.... but it will be good for my mind....
Two Birthday Celebrations - my favorite!
I have 3 projects due next week so my Saturday day and Sunday day will be full of, again....
loads of coffee and loads of papers and books.
Just for thought:
Last night while standing in my hot steamy shower I started to think about life and all it has to offer.
What kept coming to my mind was " live everyday like it's your last."
Everyday that passes by us, sometimes we may feel we didn't get something accomplished, or we didn't tell someone we loved them and appreciated them.
This started to bother me.
I don't want ever to take life for granted and the people that surround me in my life that I love and adore.
I want to live everyday like it is my last.
I don't want to hold grudges. I don't want to ever make people think I don't care.
Just remember, today might be the last day you see your significant other, a family member, your pet, your best friends, someone you work with or even the man on the corner playing his guitar.
How would you like the last interaction you have someone be like?****************************************************
I hope you all have an amazing Friday.....
Love you all!

Navy Taxi- Kate Nash
Rain spat in my face, thanks a lot mate
And I lost a tenner on the way
Thinking about it, did I spend it last night
When I was drunk and I wanted to get more drunk

Missed the train, thanks a lot mate
I didn't want to be late today, cause I'm always late
And I really hate always being late
And now the other train is delayed... great.

Carrying bags and a navy taxi man said
"Take your time love
'Cause you don't have to rush
'Cause it's your life and it's no one else's, sweetheart
Don't let someone put you in a box."

So I take all that other stuff that I said before
And I'm gonna make it work
'Cause I'm losing my mind and it's driving me up the wall

So I tried to help you carry your shopping
But I wasn't concentrating, I was talking
And I got it caught on the side of this thing and it split
And I'd try to help you walk along but I'd probably end up pushing you over
But don't worry, I'll never let you fall

And I'm stubborn and I shout and I'll cut you out
And I'll make you feel like I never wanted to make you feel
And I'm stubborn and I shout and I'll cut you out
And I'll make you feel like I never wanted to make you feel

Carrying bags and a navy taxi man said
"Take your time love
'Cause you don't have to rush
'Cause it's your life and it's no one else's, sweetheart.
Don't let someone put you in a box."

So I take all that other stuff that I said before
And I'm gonna make it work
Because I'm losing my mind and it's driving me up the wall
And this time, it will be different,
This time, it will be different