I have said before how much I love Sunday's.
It's the only day I get to spend with Daniel and we usually wake up, walk to the coffee shop grab a coffee, then the day is open to whatever our minds think possible.
I know this won't last long, this type of relaxation because once it starts really snowing the ski slopes are where you will find us instead.
So I'm soaking it in...
However yesterday was a different kind of Sunday.
I spent Saturday night having way too much fun which ended up ruining my Sunday :(
Let me let you in on a little secret : I'm really grumpy after a night like that.
I feel like I'm going to be sick all day long and my head is just pounding....
What made it worse?
Had to finish Christmas shopping. Yuck!
I don't want anyone to think that I am a scrooge, but I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas.
I think once I have children my whole mind set will change, but until then it's still just a day to me.
I don't like holiday's based upon giving presents.
I like giving something more.
This year Dan and I are going to volunteer at a homeless shelter.
That to me is Christmas.
Giving to people who are in need.
I think also the older I get I don't really enjoy getting presents.
For the past few years I have told my parents not to get me anything because it really wasn't of any importance to me but of course my mother refuses.
We will see what I end up getting this year.....
I think also with school it was so hard for me to get in the spirit.
Last year I went crazy for Christmas decorations, but my mind is way pre-occupied with school these days I didn't have it in me to try on that page...
Hopefully next year.
Yesterday we went to our favorite cafe, Cucina, for lunch and it was just lovely.
We were one of the only one's there so it was very calm and relaxing.
My usual order is this curry salad they put on a bed of lettuce, but not too long ago I found a new favorite.
So, instead of getting a meal I just get 2 sides.
The staple side I always get is this AMAZING tuna salad. It's so fresh. I just love it.
No mayo, no oil...just tuna, veggies, beans and lemon juice. Oh my lord.... it's sooo good.
Yesterday I also got a side of the curry salad.
Best of both worlds.
Something else I came up with yesterday was a "2012 Goal" book.
I woke up in the morning and started thinking about how good 2011 was to me and that I need to make 2012 even better.
So, I decided I wanted to get a notebook, put all my goals into it and keep up on it all year.
Write in in every week about what I am doing to reach these goals and what I need to change to make sure I meet them.
I didn't want to do the usual " lose 5 pounds" even though that would be lovely, but I wanted to focus on things that are going to change me for the better and conquer things I have always wanted to do.
My list could have gone on for days, but I tried to keep it to things I KNEW I could do this year.... not just things I want to do in my life...
I can't wait to kick start these into high gear...
Biggest reason I don't like the holidays....
Have a great Monday...