Happy Friday everyone!!!
I'm so excited it's Friday.
My schedule really throws me off during the week these days, so I kind of forget what day it is most of the time.
Monday's and Wednesday's I have school.
Tuesday's I take the day off from work and school to do homework.
Thursday's and Friday's I work full days.
Then the weekend, well I do whatever I want ( usually space travel **Danika )
First off.....
Today is the LAST day for FREE two day shipping from Mac.
This is the perfect excuse for you to grab a new color to start sporting off as early as Monday :)
Code: mac2day
Today it's 40% off Jackets!!!
There are some REALLY cute coats available....
Code: 40jax
So, readers of my blog know that this year I'm really putting my body and my health first.
However, when I was thinking of my workout routines earlier this week I realized something...
" If I'm taking so much time to make sure the outside of my body is healthy, then I should also focus on the inside."
I know I am jumping on this bandwagon pretty darn late, but I have been trying to eat more organic.
I don't want to be one of those people who revolves around the organic lifestyle, but I am trying to make more of a conscious effort into putting less chemicals into my body.
So... how I am doing this?
It's as simple as buying organic fruits and veggies.
No need to do this for produce with skins that you remove, but apples and lettuce and such I am fully buying organic.
I used to be that girl who didn't think there was much of a difference, and thought they were way over priced.
At the end of the day though, it's worth the extra money.
Organic Apple. Yumm...
A product that I have also been consistently using is this:
It's not organic, ha, but it does help me get me to my water goal everyday which is very important to me.
I really like this product because its very subtle and add's just a touch of flavor so you can stomach nalgene after nalegene of water.
I am not into very sweet drinks, so this is perfect.
This is a hair-do I have really been advocating for myself.
I am not sure if this is because I don't seem to have time anymore to do my hair, or the fact that its so comfortable?
The messy bun with an athletic hair elastic.
Really brings me a nostalgic feeling of my past of playing volleyball and soccer.
However, if you pair it with a big earring and a big bulky scarf it adds a more fashionable look...
( It's true, I have gotten many " your hair is so cute today" comments - kind of makes me giggle :) )
This week I went to a yoga class, which I haven't attended to in more than a year.
It was so much fun.
I went with my friend Danika, whom I haven't hung out with in years (sadly).
It was so nice to catch up and spend time with her.
She is still as beautiful, funny and charming as ever.She is quite the yogi and I was very impressed with her skills.
I don't think I will be making this an every week routine, but every two weeks... for sure.
It's the perfect workout to stretch out my tired muscles from my usual running regimen.
I can't wait to go again.
Another workout I will be doing this week and am a virgin to is...
dun dun dun..
Cross training.
This intrigues me kind of more than anything.
I like the idea of me leaving after a workout with my ass being handed to me.
I can't wait to tell you all about it.
Any of you girls ( or boys who I know read this : ) ) done cross training before?
What did you think?
If you haven't read Lauren Conrad's website before I suggest you start today.
I am such a groupie.
I LOVE her and her site.
She just cracks me up and is so inspirational in a laid back kind of way.
Check out her Friday post...
It made my day.
I'm going to leave you today with this:
Yarn Bombing.
I see these all over the Avenue's and I love them, this one really captured my heart though.
It's so creative and so cute :)
Have an AMAZING weekend everyone!!!