The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

02 February 2012

Stage Five CLINGER....

Spent a lot of time with family.
Every time I get to spend time with my family I always realize how lucky I am.
I don't get to see everyone often, and when I do I feel blessed.
And cursed.
Kidding :)

Sunday night my sister asked my father if he could take my nephew's to school on Tuesday.
This being my day off and not having much homework I decided I would offer myself up for the challenge.
I don't do enough for my sister.
I always tell myself I will and wish I could, but somehow life always gets in the way.
So, she excepted my offer and immediately I realized I wouldn't be able to sleep in at all this week.
See, Tuesdays I usually let myself sleep in till about nine.
Every other morning I have to wake up at 7, so it's nice.
My sister told me I would have to be at her house by 7:30, so again another 7 am wakeup.
I didn't have time to make myself any coffee so I grabbed one at the closest place I could stop
Extreme disappointment.
Honestly, I'm not shocked, but how can you mess up coffee?
Well, actually you can.
I think the older I get the more of a coffee snob I become and I think this is due to the fact that with my gluten allergy I can't really consider myself a "beer snob" anymore.... SADLY!
I can't stand coffee that isn't strong enough or doesn't have enough taste.
It's like how Jerry Seinfeld explains cough medicine:
"Figure out what will kill me and then back it off a little bit."
That's how I feel about coffee and trust me, I'm disappointed often, but not this bad.
The point I'm trying to get across.... don't buy a coffee from them
Being a dollar, I think this explains enough.

So anyways, back to the story.
I get to my sisters home and both my nephews are sprawled on the couch waiting for my arrival.
You can tell they were excited for school and it being as early as it was.
My oldest nephew Ozzly is always such a help.
He does everything he can to help me when I am around and I am so thankful because me not having my own child to experiment on, I don't always know the best or easiest way to do certain child things.
So we got all the bags in the car, the car seat, etc...
And off we went.
Ozzly was first.
When we dropped him off, he jumped on his skateboard in front of his school and skated off to class.
What a cute kid. I can't tell you enough.

Now, Jameson, my younger nephew didn't have to be till school till 11.
So I had all morning with him.
All he wanted to do was go to the "bookstore" which is in reality the library.
I had to convince him to eat his breakfast and wash his face before we could venture to the "glass walled building" as I called it, which he kept repeating time and time again.
"Aunt Hewee, where is the glass wall?"
So cute.
We went to the library and we got him some new books and movies to exchange for the ones he had previously gotten a few days prior.
He was delighted.
He also loved the stairs into the parking garage.
I told him where we parked was the "cave" of the "bookstore" because it was underground.....
He really liked playing with me on that idea.....

Another random comedian thought that popped in my head was this Lewis CK bit.
Lewis CK in his new stand up ( hilarious!!!! ) talks about how children who aren't given enough attention from their parents will cling to other people whom are having fun with children.
This happened to me and it made me laugh again and again thinking of Lewis CK and this joke.
When we were at the library, Jameson and I, the first child I saw was a stage five clinger.
Just followed us two around like a shadow and showed me every movie and book I should take home. 
Of course I wasn't disgusted like the infamous CK, but I did keep having the thought... 
"where is your mother? why am I having to walk around and clean up the mess your child is making in the library?"
He was a cute and fun little thing, but please parents keep an eye on your children.
What if I were a child stealer, it would have been easy to take him... and I would have.
He was that cute.
To end this... I dropped Jameson off at eleven and off I was to my mothers.

My mother.
She is a whole 'nother story.
Boy oh boy!
She threw her back out the other day trying to carry something extremely heavy she knew at that time she shouldn't have tried to attempt to lift.
So I went to her house to help her out with her house duties and just to hang out and laugh.
So.... about an hour after I get there she deiced that she was going to get a detail in her car...
Again to shorten the story, while in the process of the cleaning, the car wash process, she kept rolling down her window to talk to the people operating the wash.
Ha- oh my god mother!

Not only did she have 1 million questions, she decided to ask them all at the crucial time of the wash, which in fact is the WHOLE wash, when water is surrounding the car.
"Mom!!! It's getting wet in here!!"
Some people will never learn, but I love her. She makes my day every day I see her.
I love that I can talk to her about anything and she listens and tells me what she would do if she were in my situation.
Most the time I take the advice, other times I realize our generation gap and politely turn her down..
All in all, it was a good day.

Just some tidbits....
I colored my nails.

I dyed my hair.
Every time I look at myself I still get a little taken back by how blonde it is.
This was inspiration:

But for Realsies:

Here's my version:
Wheeewweeeee, it's SO blonde......
I'm sure I'm not going to keep it THIS blonde for long, but its fun and different for now.

Also, decided today I would wear my Anthropologie headband that has been in the drawer and not on my head for a good two years.
I decided I didn't like this look after it got uber popular, but screw it, now that I see the fad dying down a little bit, I decided to sport it :)

Just catching up on my reading of Time Magazine's
" Obama's World."

Look what I learned to do on the net...
Just fun.

New Shoes.
Fact of the matter, I don't think that I love them.
But I'm going to keep them, due to my laziness.
( P.S. my hair on my leg looks weird and the shape of my leg looks weird... I don't think it looks like that in real life...) 

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week....
 This weekend is SUPERBOWL Sunday!!!!