The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

12 March 2012

Kinda, the best day ever!

Happy Monday everyone!!!!
Spring Break is here.
Sadly, I didn't get to go to Denver like I had planned due to the sudden urge to move and needing to save money, but I can't say that I am disappointed on where the first day of Spring Break took me.
This morning, I definitely wanted to sleep in, which is weird enough, but once I saw that sun I knew I had to get my butt out of bed and enjoy the day....

Trail Run.

Had the most amazing trail run today.
See, I haven't ran in about a month or more due to a hip flexor injury and honestly have been too scared to start again, but the nice weather really made me think twice.
When I got there, I mentally put it in my head that I wasn't going to push myself to the brink and that once I started to hurt, I would stop.
Let me tell you, I ran for over an hour strait and I felt like queen of the world.
Running up hills are when I find my hip flexor really hurting, but I pushed through the pain today because if you didn't know, running up hills are truly my favorite part of trail running.
It felt good, just to be outside in nature and doing what I love the most.
I wish I could have kept running, but after an hour I really couldn't run much more due to the pain.
However, apart of me wants to go right back up to the hills before the sun goes down to run once more.
I can't honestly believe the weather today.
 It's March, usually freezing, and today feels like full on spring.
It's beautiful...

A Book and the Park.

If today wasn't the perfect day to take a book to the park and lay down and read, I don't know what day is?
After my run I went and grabbed a coffee and went to my favorite bookstore on 15th and 15th. 
I started reading "The Road " by Cormac McCarthy.
From what I have read so far, I really like it and I love the way Cormac writes.
If I were a writer, I would most likely write the way he does.
Short and very abstract sentences.
It was sooooo nice to be around people all enjoying the sun and seeing people flying kites :)
The sound of dogs barking, and the wind blowing.
It was exactly what I needed.

Windows Down and Belting my Heart Out.

I love when the weather gets nice enough out that you can drive with all your windows down and play your music as loud as you want :)
Today, I may or may not have forgotten that when you sing with the windows down..... everyone can hear you who is around.
Today I was stopped in traffic and belting out Florence as if I were singing to a crowd.
Little did I notice the homeless man next to me holding up a sign next to Whole Foods.
The song ended and I heard a whistle outside my window.
" You have the most amazing voice!!"
Blushing and laughing, I thanked him for his kind words and drove off.
Now, I still am not sure if he was saying this hoping I had a free dollar ( which I wish I did, but I don't carry cash ) or if he really had those thoughts mustered in his head?
Either way, it made my day!

I can't wait to see what the rest of Spring Break has in store for me.
However I am working more than usual.
Tomorrow and my usual Thursday, Friday.
I figure since I am moving, a little extra money can't hurt.
I hope everyone else has a blast of a Spring Break.
For as long as the sun is here, soak it up :)