This I think could be the most touchy subject to talk about right next to politics,
but I'm bringing it up now because I heard some nasty comments this morning that I do not agree with.
When I got my usual coffee this morning I over heard two chatty women discussing a co-worker of theirs who doesn't believe in the same religion they believe in.
They were saying things along the lines of, " she may think she is having fun now, but she won't be saved in the end."
Excuse me?
I was appalled.
Here is how I feel about Religion,
if you care to listen.....
First off, I truly and honestly believe that EVERYONE has the right to follow which ever religion they desire.
I don't think that people should be patronized or judged for the morals and beliefs they have for themselves, it's their right as a person on this Earth to believe what they will.
I personally do not believe in religion.
I do believe there is a higher power than just us as people, but I can't say if I know it's a God?
I believe there is good and bad and I believe in possible life after death.
Maybe not the idea that we go to a different world and live a new life, but that the energy we have either stays here or goes elsewhere.
I try to be open about ideas of this and will not ever be someone who says " I know! "
I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school from the time I was an infant to my last year of high school.
My mother is very devout Catholic and my father, is well, open.
He believes in the main teachings of Buddhism and reincarnation.
My father never pushed his ideas on to my own and let my mother raise me Catholic for as long as she could.
Now, don't get me wrong. I think there is much about the Catholic religion I still believe, but I can't say I am "Catholic."
Going to years and years of Catholic school I didn't like the idea that you had to follow certain guidelines in order to go to heaven after death.
I personally do not think that anyone, God or not, should be able to judge you and be able to make the choice if you will be saved or not.
I think it comes down to the kind of person you are.
I believe living everyday to help others and look after the people around you.
I believe you should be a good person and do what you can to better the community and world you are in now.
I think growing up in a very Mormon state was always hard, but with time and age I have come to just respect their beliefs.
They may not be the same as mine, but who am I to say what they should or shouldn't believe in.
I have some great friends who are Mormon and I may not agree with everything they believe in, and vis-versa, but at the end of the day neither of us judge the other for what they honor.
We are friends for reason's outside of that and that is what we care about and choose to love about the other.
They don't push their beliefs on me and I don't do the same to them.
I don't pressure them to drink and they don't tell me not to drink.
( Usually the hardest issue between the two.)
But, it's a level of respect I think everyone should have for another.
I guess what I am trying to say is I don't think people should judge others.
I can't imagine that if you believe in God he wants you to talk bad about other people?
I just suggest that everyone keep an open mind about the way people choose to worship and live your life the best way you know how.
At the end of the day it will make the life you live more worth it for yourself :)