The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

31 October 2011

Western Retro.

Monday, oh Monday. The hardest day to get up and start your day knowing you are just beginning your week....
"Looks like someone has a case of the Monday's" seems to always play in my head on this day.
With that in mind, I don't usually take the most time to get ready. Put on a quick shirt and pants and I'm out the door, mainly because I slept in longer than expected and I'm running late.....
Today I decided to wear a shirt that I absolutely love, but don't wear very often. I sometimes feel that its too busy, but today I decided to go for it.
Its a hand me down from my sister that I have had for years. When I was little I would always ask to wear it and when I was old enough to appreciate it she gave it to me. I think this is a shirt I will honestly have forever. Not only do I love the way it looks, it has meaning to me.

I love that the buttons are pearls and the pattern of the shirt is so authentic.
It matched perfectly with my orange cardigan and really brought out the color of the roses.
I wasn't sure which way to wear this combo, so here are the two ways I would....

Shirt tucked out and cardigan closed....

Shirt tucked in and cardigan open....
Which way do you like better?

With the busy pattern of the shirt I went with a very simple green earring that matched with leaves off of the roses...

Now, this might have been a bold move but I thought that I would wear my sparkle shoes today. I really like the contrast of them when I wear my darker grey pants.....

Cardigan: Forever 21
Shirt: Hand me down ( I'm sure you could find something like this at a thrift store )
Pants: Levi's
Shoes: Rock Candy in Gold
Earrings: Nordstom Rack

I went with a very natural lip today. I was told by a co-worker that it really blends with my face color and looks very nice ( a complement I wasn't expecting to hear : ) )

You might also find this weird, but to get the natural color I use concealer. I am a HUGE fan of concealer on my lips. You can add it over any color and it will tone it down, or just use it alone with gloss. I used a medium color stick.

Have an amazing Monday .... and the weekend will be here sooner than we know it!