Good morning.
Tuesday here.
Cups of coffee by my side.
Not a ton has happened in my life since the last time I blogged, except of course, school.
This semester I am taking 5 classes.
I was very spooked about this, but after my first day I'm thrilled.
I changed my major, yes it was late in the game, but I am excited about it.
I went from a Mass Comm major to now a Speech Comm major with an emphasis in Interpersonal Comm.
This is an area of Communication I have always been interested in and after my first day of classes into my new major I am even more in the mind set of learning.
I am in love with all of my classes.
I am stoked about every single professor I have.
This is a very exciting feeling to embody.
I am not going to lie and say I'm not stressed about the amount of work I have ahead of me, but knowing it's work I am interested in I am very comfortable and very eager to move ahead.
The only down side?
I arrive at school when it's dark outside and I leave school when it's again... dark outside.
I am there ALL day long.
I am however a girl who enjoys school and everything it has to offer, so I will stop complaining now.
I'm so lucky I have this opportunity and that is what matters.
This weekend was a great weekend.
We got a good dusting of snow ( which Utah so badly needed ) and I got to spend time with one of my best friend's who now resides in Hawaii.
Spending time together is so much fun and I love catching up on each other's lives.
Sitting down to a cup of coffee and a meal - laughing.
Well off I go. I have a lot to get done today.
Errands out the wazoo.
Cleaning the apt.
Getting ready for guests to come in town on Thursday.
So excited.