First off, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone and anyone who has supported me of my training.
It really means a lot.
Yesterday I posted a picture on FB that I didn't think was going to get as much of a reaction as it did, but all I can say is thank you for making it a positive feedback.
I purposely put "I'm sorry I'm posting this" in the heading because I can name a handful of people I know who I am sure scrutinized it.
It wasn't meant to be boastful, but it was something I wanted to share because I worked hard for where I am at.
I hope people realize that.
If you didn't realize that, or don't realize that...
I'm sorry.
Training your body into shape is the hardest and most disciplined thing I have ever done and at the end of the day I am proud of myself. Yep, I am.
I would hope if you are proud of yourself for something as well, you share it with others.
It inspires.
So here is my regiment:
5 days a week ( at least )
- Run 4 miles.
- Abs
4 sets of 50 of each...
* Front
* Left side
* Ride side
* Reversed Crunches
* Bicycle kicks
- Jump Roping
4 sets of 100
- Butt lifts
- Arms
* Overhead dumbbell press
* Overhead dumbbell extensions
I will change this routine up a bit every few days and add in other exercises, but these are my go to.
As for my running because I am training for a trail run half marathon I don't run on treadmills. If I have to I will, but running outside is more logical for this. Why? Because the ground is never flat.
Since I have been trail running I have found my abs and rest of my body becoming more toned because of the constant tension.
If I can't run the dirt trails I run the avenues.
This is perfect. I call this "Urban Trail Running," because its constant uphill and downhill just like the trails.
I zig zag my whole run, but I start on 1st avenue or 2nd avenue and always make my way up to 11th avenue. I try to do this in my first 15 minutes of my run. I usually go up one street every block.
I want to let people know who are going to attempt this... it's F*CKING hard!
You will find yourself wanting to give up 2 streets up, but don't. I also don't suggest that your first run you go up that high, but each time you run try to go up one more street...
This might sound weird, but I find comfort and peace in running uphill.
Yeah. I know.
The point in my run where I feel like I'm going to die is where I LOVE my run.
Finding my breath and focusing on my body calms me and I feel empowered.
Just keep telling yourself you can do it.
If you must stop... jog slowly... don't stop.
You need to constantly push your body one step further, but remember this takes time...
I'm also not a pro at this, so don't quote me, but this is how I do it.
Some days I run longer than 4 miles, but I don't let myself go less than that, but this is my training.
Starting next week, I am going up a mile every week.
Right now is just the beginning and getting my body back into shape.
I have been drinking up to a gallon of water a day. Hardest part so far.
Some days I don't get that far and it's okay, but I have upped my water consumption by a lot and it helps clear out the impurities in your body...
I have been staying between 1200 and 1500 calories a day.
I don't know if it would be the same for everyone, but for my body type it's a safe calorie intake.
I eat a lot of protein.
Brown Rice.
* It probably also helps I have a gluten intolerance, so if you can eat whole grains, you should*
Remember every one's bodies are different.
You can't expect to get the same results as everyone else.
You need to do what is most comfortable for you.
At the end of the day be proud of yourself.
Don't listen to what others say and if people care about you they will be proud of you too!
At the end of the day it's YOU who matters!
If trail running isn't for you, then it isn't for you.
Everyone has something active they enjoy and that it what you should strive for.
I chose trail running because to me nothing was harder.
It was something for years I dreamed about doing, but the thought made me sick because of how extraneous it was.
This is however what makes me love it more than anything on this planet.
I can honestly say now its my favorite thing to do.
Who would have ever thought?!?
I hope that everyone has an amazing adventure ahead of them!
** Thank you again SO much for ALL your support**
Check it out:
Also if you are interested check these race dates out: