The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

26 November 2011

Home Sweet Home....

Morning, Morning! 
So, I have a had a few people ask about where I live and if I would ever post pictures of my apartment....
So today I did a deep clean an decided this should probably be the day if there ever was a day.

I am so lucky because I live with my boyfriend and he pretty much lets me do what I will when it comes to decorating. He knows I have always dreamt of being able to decorate my own place and he really lets my creativity flow....
It's a pretty girly apartment, but he enjoy it... he says " it very nice in here..." but we do have one exception.... no pink. I have listened to his wishes and never put pink in the house except a blanket in the living room, which he hates... but you can turn it around to red.

We both love colors so we did our best to make our apartment as colorful as we could. We love artwork, so we have lots of pieces in the house as well....

I wish the pictures I took were of better quality, but with the sun shining so bright today the photo's all came out a bit bright... hope you can still see what every thing is... we go....


Fire Place.


Our library corner. We love to read books... ( can't wait to one day have a room full of books.)

We love going to shows. It's probably our favorite hobby to do together so we like to show our love of music in show posters....

Ski Corner. ( No all our stuff is out yet...)

( Lots of Powder Magazine in this house...)


 My favorite painting.

Above the sink.

Can't really see, but this is the window in the kitchen and my FAVORITE gift I have ever received in my whole life is this glass blown globe that Daniel got for me last year in Vermont. It's beautiful.

I wish you could see the huge photo in the background on top of the fridge. It's a picture of the United States from space at night... it's amazing!


This stuff on the end annoys Daniel to no end, but he lets me keep it. He thinks that I have to have something on every bare surface, and I think he is right.


I love my bedroom because it's all window's and it lets in so much light.... Its such a relaxing place to hang out...

See, he still get's to put up his skateboarding posters :)

Hope you guys liked my APT! It's a fun place to live and we really live in the most prime part of the city... in the next week or so I will be decorating with Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree... so I'll keep you updated on that when it happens :)
