The life I live....

I'm a music lover who at the end of the day wants to feel as if she lived that day the best she could. Creating an amazing meal, hanging out with the amazing people I call friends, rocking out to some amazing tunes, buying a great piece of clothing or wearing bright pink lipstick..... Im optimistic about life and highlighting the moments that make it unique....

30 January 2012

Oh, School Days....

Being at school I notice things I normally wouldn't.
I think this is due to the fact that sometimes I want to occupy my brain with my surroundings more than my lectures.
This however I have found is a problem.
Why you may ask?
Because I have found a way to seriously scrutinize everything.
Not normally a personality trait I like to entertain.
Today though, I'm letting myself go wild.

Cup o' Noodles.
In the cafeteria at the U you can buy a cup of noodles for around 2.50 ( WAY overpriced ) because they advertise this crappy-ass meal as "gourmet."
Guess what University? I'm not fooled.
** Sorry to all those who have fallen for this trickery**
If you have, STOP eating those.
They are packed with sodium and MSG!
I have also heard they have enough MSG to kill a rat.

The Snooze button.
I am NOT a believer in the snooze button.
Yes, I know I am probably the only one on the planet who thinks this.
But it really throws me off.
I would rather sleep in till the last second till I had to get up and just get up then and there.
I'm a morning person, so it's not as bad on my mental clock as it is for others.
Well, this morning, I hit the snooze for the first time in my life.
I wish I was lying, but I'm not.
It was only 10 minutes, but guess what?
I was late to class. Of course.
It threw me off hard core because for some reason I started to believe I had much more time than I had.
Last time I'll do that. That's for sure.

Freshman Gossip.
Now, I understand freshman gossip because I was one once.
Yes it was 300 years ago, but I remember it clearly.
The best damn years of my life.
The problem here is I can't stand hearing it anymore.
The way they talk horribly about other girls and talk about how tanked they got the night before and drunk dialed their mothers.
Get a grip.
The sad truth is, I used to think it was cool to talk like that too and now that I am older its easily said's not.
Reality Check Ladies.
You sound caddy, rude and like a well-constructed lush.
Not any quality you want to be associated with, but then again... I was one of those girls.
I'm so sorry world, and I'm
sorry to anyone who was once in my shoes and had to listen to that gabber.

Eating loud during class.
I dislike people who think this is appropriate.
I have always thought it was rude and gross.
Like a nail to the head.
I have turned into that person.
You would think by now however I would have chosen other "quiet class appropriate" foods to take to school. Instead I still bring without a doubt an apple and carrots AND always find the craving to chow them down in my quiet class.
I don't mean to be that person, I promise and I try my best to think of you and to do the "slow bite" thinking people can't hear me, but from the looks I still get....
I'm being heard.

High Heels at school.
Don't you know you don't dress to impress for people AT school?
Don't you know the size of the University campus is quite expansive?
 I can only imagine the big blister forming on your big toe and heel at the same time.
Also, every person you clomp by is wondering the same thing about you....
From sporting these terribly high heeled shoes all day, your walking form has now turned un-attractive and grotesque and you're doing the exact opposite of the image you are trying to create. Sexy.
We all know you are in pain and trying to get that boys attention in your math class isn't worth it.
Just take them off, set them aside and put on some flats.
It'll make your life A LOT easier.

Placing your feet over the chair in front of you in a packed lecture hall.
This is SO rude.
I just can't get over it.
Why in the world would you think someone wants your stanky ass feet in their face?
Today, I saw prime feet dangling.
Just right in between two people faces : a foot.
Yes the foot had an adorable flat on them that I am going to try and google... but seriously...
Real classy ladies.
Just FYI,
This classroom isn't a lounging hall.
We all know its uncomfortable and we would all love to lounge out but guess what?
Every single person around you has manners and knows how impolite you're being.

Eating Rice Cakes.
I love rice cakes and I bring them all the time to snack on at school.
It's just that awkward moment when you see people staring at you and you look down at your shirt and its just COVERED in crumbs from your quick consumption of the rice cakes you just shoved in your mouth.
Slow down Hil.
Slow down.

Do you have any stories of annoying things you notice during school hours?
I would love to hear them!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday.
God knows I am :)